Finally got the show to hang... and there will be paintings revolving into the space weekly. It took a considerable amount of work to get here, and i have MANY people to thank for all their support & encouragement. You know who you are, so I will spare making a list on the Blog (Melissa, Noah, Evan, Lisa, Ruth, Lee, Michelle, Joel, Donna...) and what everyone needs to know however, is that my father is at the top of the list. THANX ! more later...
go see the show before every piece is sold! for everyone who can't make it: go to my art[work] website. I will be adding more to this site as new art is ready to hang.
Alternative FUEL coffee house, 620 Main Street, Rapid City, SD.

greg geiger : Sturgis Motor Classic photo exhibit. Many friends have commented that i should put these, and all my other images of the Rally (14 years worth) online. So, this next month i will be working to get that started. Look for www.sturgischrome.com at the end of September 2008. I am hoping to have it categorized into galleries by year & will make it so fine art prints can be purchased online with a secure server. Enjoy the week - and keep the rubber side down!

I have compiled 15 photographs that have been printed on Metallic paper for this exhibit. Show will be up during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, with nightly entertainment at AF and downtown Rapid.
August 1-17, 2008 : @ Alternative Fuel

I have been working on multiple projects at once over the last month and felt i should mention a few of them here. I have a photo exhibit planned for August during the Sturgis Rally. I am working on a series of Angel paintings and hope to exhibit them before September. There have been a number of figurative studies i have been working on, and Melissa has helped to keep me focused there (thanks!)... and Lisa at Mona Lisa's photography is having me measure her walls for an installation of a few Mixed Medium constructions complete with pricetags! whew... hope yu are all having a great summer. g

work-in-progress. Before her trip to Maui, Gwenyhfar was willing to pose for a new series of paintings i intend to have done by this time next year. This measures approx. 30"x40" and appears life-size.